Reiki with Aroma Acupoint Therapy™ treatments for Standing Rock

For the entire month of December, I am offering Reiki with Aroma Acupoint Therapy treatments to you with the added benefit of sending 25% of every treatment directly to the Oceti Sakowin Camp at Standing Rock.  Together, lets support the continued fight for basic rights, including a clean water source.    

This treatment is my unique combination of Reiki, a profound Japanese energy healing method, along with Aroma Acupoint Therapy™, a beautiful, supportive, moving method wherein organic and wild-harvested, therapeutic grade essential oils of the utmost quality are applied to your acupuncture points.  Your treatment will be unique to you based on your specific presentation and emotional needs.  You will leave feeling refreshed, grounded, and with suggestions for self care.

Your treatment (up to an hour) is $95, which means over $23 from your treatment will go to the Oceti Sakowin Camp.  I will be offering these treatments at several beautiful therapeutic spaces in Silverlake and North East Los Angeles.  Please utilize my contact page to schedule an appointment and peruse my website for more information about how Reiki and Aroma Acupoint Therapy™ can benefit you.

With love, hope & truth,
